April 29 – May 2, 2012

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Maya Saleh

Maya Saleh

Maya Saleh

Associate Professor
McGill University
Bellini Pavilion, Room 364 3649 Promenade Sir-William Osler
Montreal QC, H3G 0B1
tel: work 514-398-2065
Website Add to address book

Dr. Maya Saleh obtained her Ph. D. in 2001 from the department of Biochemistry at McGill University studying mechanisms of transcriptional regulation. In 2002, Dr. Saleh joined Merck Research Laboratories and in 2004 moved to the La Jolla Institute for Allergy and Immunology in San Diego California where she investigated mechanisms of apoptosis and innate immunity in host defense. Dr. Saleh joined the Faculty of Medicine at McGill University in 2005 and is currently Associate Professor in the Departments of Medicine and Biochemistry and Director of the Inflammation and Cancer Program. Dr. Saleh’s team is currently focused on the role of innate immunity in inflammatory bowel disease and cancer. They are specifically interested in the role of the crosstalk between the innate immune system and the microbiota in intestinal homeostasis, immune tolerance, chronic inflammatory diseases and cancer.