29 avril – 2 mai, 2012

Message d'erreur

Notice : Undefined index: recalculate dans computed_field_field_prepare_view() (ligne 256 dans /srv/mcgill-cihr-ig.ca/www/sites/all/modules/contrib/field_modules/computed_field/computed_field.module).

Étienne Richer

Étienne Richer

Étienne Richer

Assistant Director
Institute of Genetics
7993 Av. Henri-Julien
, Montréal QC, H3G 0B1
tel: work 514-398-2421
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Dr. Étienne Richer first joined McGill University as a postdoctoral scientist after receiving his PhD in Virology and Immunology. The research he conducted with Danielle Malo within the CIHR Team in Mutagenesis and Infectious Diseases allowed him to tackle research challenges in a multi-disciplinary environment. After successful development of the bacterial phenotyping platform developed during the pilot study phase, Dr. Richer was further involved in the expansion of this effort.

Seeking to expand his expertise in knowledge transfer and pharmacoeconomics, Dr. Richer then joined BioMedCom Consultants Inc. Working for the public, private and not-for-profit sectors during that period, he was involved in numerous projects covering a broad range of healthcare issues from neonatology to biologics therapies and reimbursement policies.

Dr. Richer returned to McGill University in 2011 as the Assistant Director for the CIHR Institute of Genetics. Dr. Richer has been fully involved in the strategic orientation of the institute, the development of its team and the delivery of its activities. While establishing tight links with the research community and supporting national networks, an international focus is also infused in these three sectors.